Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Travel with Acquaintance - Introduction.

Travel with acquaintance..!!

Hello and a warm welcome to all the readers once again..!! I hope you all are doing well.
Without beating around the bush, I will come directly to the today’s topic. So we all know that whenever we plan to travel somewhere, there are a bunch of questions that start dancing in our minds, where to stay? Which are the best sightseeing points? What is the cuisine specialty? Etc. Sometimes a sightseeing spot is way too famous but not worth visiting
by compromising other hidden striking places or may be a hotel stay might be a failure. To avoid such circumstances and spoil the trip’s fun, it’s better to be well planned ahead of time. I have not travelled much yet, but yeah would like to share my itineraries with you under the series of blogs “Travel with acquaintance”. I really hope you find those helpful.  In this series, I wish to provide a brief information about the place, sightseeing options, stay where about, etc. I will also provide a link for all my YouTube travel vlogs, where you can visualize the complete experience.

Link for my YouTube Channel -

* These blogs are currently meant only for informative and planning purpose.Please amidst the COVID-19 crisis do no plan to travel or go outside.Stay Home Stay Safe.

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