Monday, June 1, 2020

Simple ways to improve your immune system.

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This too shall pass - A Persian adage

All we want to hear right now is the above quote. Amidst all the chaos of the Covid-19 attack, our heart needs faith that this time will also pass. It is been months since we are suffering from this disease and continuing. It has already become difficult to keep everybody shut indoors for such a long duration. As you all can see, the world is opening its door gradually. But, we have to admit, this lockdown has taught us a lot of things, one of them is, it has flashed a high-intensity torchlight on the importance of our healthy immune system.
I have searched and jot down a few already known ways that can help you sustain infections and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's just like a slight reminder..!!

1. Get Enough Sleep 
It is like stating the obvious again, but guys we really need to focus on this point. Even I was once a victim of this addictive habit of staying up late nights like an owl, fortunately, I can sleep early now. It's time to take seriously our old proverb, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise". Our body mechanism is forced to work oppositely, and this is one of the reasons for hormonal imbalance and vulnerable immune system. The best way to change our habit is to have early dinner, turning off electrical gadgets early, and reading a book after dinner, even having a glass of warm milk can help you sleep early. Taking your eyes off a blue screen can relax your eyes and allow them to function accordingly. Think over your sleep schedule again, try closing your chores, and slipping into bed with a book by 10 PM. Things will change automatically.

2. Drink Lots of water
Another important facet is staying as much as hydrated as possible. Water being a universal solvent dissolves all the toxins in our body. It maintains the optimum body temperature, enhances our body metabolism, acts as a medium for the proper flow of nutrients, and helps reach them to all the parts.
We live in a world of technology, so why not make some use out of it to help us adopt good habits. Download any water drinking app and start checking on your water contents. You can even let somebody do it for you and you can do it for them, keep a watch on each other's water drinking levels, as I do. Trust me, helps a lot as we all humans tend to pick out the mistakes of others instead of our own..!!!

3.Vitamins C intake
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a great way to regenerate your immune system. It is a very good anti-oxidant, maintains a collagen level(i.e. good for skin), etc. But, instead of sci-fi terms, let's simplify. The human body has the ability of healing in many ways, but it lacks to produce vitamin C or even store it. Thus, it is very essential for us to have a sufficient intake of them through our daily diet. Foods such as oranges, lemon, spinach, guava, kiwi, broccoli, papayas, etc can help you get them easily.
4. Exercise 
Most of us know exercise for fat burning and making our outer body fit. However, exercise not only makes our outer body attractive, but it also changes our body within. It makes better changes in antibodies and WBCs(White Blood Cells). These WBCs are responsible for the early detection of illness and fight against it. To sum up, WBCs decide our immune system in some way. Make a 30 mins space for your exercise in your schedule. Watch motivational videos to keep you going, but don't give up. It will take time, but soon will be a habit.

5. Pranayam
While we are hovering over the topic of physical exercise, let's cover the breathing exercise as well. We Indians are lucky to have a strong background in yoga and Pranayam. 'Pran' means vital energy and 'Ayam' means to regulate or control. Simple basic three types of Pranayam are anulom-vilom,kapal-bhati, and bhastrika. Breathing hygiene lets us inhale more oxygen than regular and thus more oxygen is injected into bloodstreams. There are many articles and videos regarding the detailed procedure of these exercises. 

6. Physical Hygiene 
It's time to follow the old school good habits of washing your hands more frequently, freshening up as soon as you come from outside without lingering all over the house, maintaining sanitary cleanliness, re-cleansing the utensils once again before having meals, etc. If you have a pet in your home, its health is also your responsibility, so bathing it properly even includes in this one. If we don't take the necessary preventive measure, the germs from outside are soon gonna make your body their home leading to infection. 

7. Be happy. 
Last but not the least, and the most simple one too, be happy no matter what. A light mood always creates a positive atmosphere and helps reduce your stress levels. Stress and immunity are inversely proportional. Meditation, listening to your favorite music, dancing, pursuing hobbies, etc produce endorphins, these are hormones within your brain and nervous system which help give a soothing mental effect. So lower your stress and boost your immune system.

So everyone please take care of yourself. Try to follow the above things in your routine and see yourself getting better progressively. 

See you in the next blog..!!