Saturday, March 14, 2020

My day in Kruger National Park(South Africa)

“Hurry! It’s already 4:30 am and we are getting late..!” My husband yelled at me, seeing me dragging myself towards getting ready. I am not an early bird and 4:30 am is generally when I am in my sugar dreams but today was being forced to leave at this hour. We packed all the food for our journey, and after making some silly, ‘C’mon! Let’s sleep instead’ faces we started for an African Wildlife Safari (Kruger National Park). I put on a neck rest and prepared to sleep in the backseat. But, as the journey began, the quiet dark roads seemed to sing a melodious song and the breeze blew me a kiss every time it stroked the hair off my face. This feeling was heart melting and passed on positive vibes. I could barely close my eyes now.
Hours of travel and we reached the main gate of the National Park. This was a self-drive safari park and animals inside were in their natural habitat roaming freely. I was for sure scared as I had running thoughts of some animal attacking us. As we entered into the park, I was unaware of the fact that this day was about to change my life in some way. The park officials had given us a paper map to find our way inside, this sure gave me a feeling of jumanji (No network inside for our beloved GPS to guide us).It was an early delightful morning, I was able to hear the long forgotten sound of birds chirping merrily. After driving for a while steadily, we spotted a group of lovely grazing Impala’s. They were so calm and healthy. Their eyes were sparkling, skin like a velvet shawl and horns as if designed by someone with great ability to be creative.

While passing a bridge over a pond, a loud groan drew our attention. For a moment it was spooky as we couldn’t find or spot anything in vicinity. A few minutes later the gigantic creature emerged from the pond to catch its breath. It was none other than the strong hippopotamus, it was the first time I heard its grunt. I don’t know whether they were trying to communicate with each other or laugh, yet it was very fascinating to see the hippo dip in and out at times, groan and also spread its jaw to 180 degree flat. Moving along the same road we saw a herd of wildebeest crossing our roads. Or should I say that we were crossing their path? After all, the jungle was their home and we were just the visitors. I was further amazed by the magnificent yet docile Giraffe. Its long neck made it look more commanding but its eyes revealed the true decency. 

Other than spotting animals, driving and just being in a jungle with stunning landscape was also soothing and enthusiastic. “Look..!! Look..!! Ahead”, a sudden panicky statement from one of our friend’s alarmed us, however it was not an alarming cry but a happy surprising one as we saw a herd of massive African elephants approaching towards us from the mountains. Their big waving ears, their huge feet (they could have killed us with a thumb), the long trunks, the extended ivory and the gracious walk. In no time we were surrounded by these elephants from 3 sides, we waited patiently for them to pass, but, to our surprise the whole herd stopped walking and were waiting for us to cross, it was an unexpected gesture from such an animal. Amidst this scene, I saw an elephant change its way and approaching towards us fast, maybe he was in a playful mood that day but scared the hell out of us. We slowly hid in a hide nearby and watched these elephants splashing the water with their trunks and enjoying their baths.

We freshened up ourselves in one of the refreshment centers inside the park and started our drive again. In a little while of driving we saw many cars jammed on a road, we were curious of what they had spotted, but soon our curiosity came to rest when we saw dozens of baboons playing and jumping on the road approaching towards us. We made sure our car was locked and window panes up, and observed them do their funny acts. It was fun indeed. Slowly after their permission, the car block cleared and we were on our way ahead.

That day I came across many other animals like rhinoceros, zebra, warthog, wild buffalo, etc. and also a variety of birds. Unfortunately out of BIG 5 of Africa we could only find Elephants, Rhinoceros, Wild buffalo and a lion from too far. We sadly missed the other wild cats like leopard and cheetahs, but as someone has rightly said, “It is better have something left behind, as it gives us a reason to come back”. 

That day I saw the magic of nature. A small demo of the mastermind who created our universe. All these animals who were roaming freely in the jungle, were sometimes so difficult to spot even from a small distance because of their camouflage property. They do not need to hide, but can easily manage to stay away from hunters and predators. They all are not of same colors, but all of them blend with the forest in the same way. Observing these animals doing their own business calmly made me understand that their needs are so minimum, they have their own ways of communication, they are charmed by you as long as you don't scare them and also we humans are so heartless sometimes that to fulfill our needs we destroy their lives. Just to be a part of their life from a distance made me happy. Now I get the animal lovers, why they are so involved with them. Watching just a handful of animals made us realize that as much right we have to live on this earth, same right the animal does have. Live and let live!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Poem - The Harsh Truth..!!

I wish I had an enormous fridge
To fit my entire globe in it
Or else to cool and calm it down
I had some sort of startling kit

Oh!! My sweet and naive folks
We are already running very late
Varied Climate and Harmful air
Have started forecasting our fate

The jungles are burning
And so are the poor animals
Bear is dead, kangaroo is scared
And on streets are the running camels

Ice-covered Arctic is melting
 Helpless Birds are migrating
Some parts of world are drought
While others are immensely over flooding

Our techno brilliant minds
Have proudly flown us to Mars
But, isn’t it a shame
Our own planet is suffering from scars??

If we still wish to walk this path of ignorance
Then Trees shall turn in a myth
Animals might will live only in books
And regret will be the only thing we die with.

It’s an eleventh hour good people
Our worn-out and weak mother is calling for aid
Let’s unite with rigor making our efforts twice
For sure we’ll unveil a blissful future and earth’s shiny shade.