Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year Resolution-Let's strive for a better world!!

Hello Guysss!!!! Happy and a Hip Happening new year to all my beloved readers!!
1st JAN, a day full of new hopes, new determinations and of course a bunch of resolutions. Some of them get completed while some are just carry forwarded to the next year… You know what I mean right?? ;-) Like all others, even I sat down to make my personal bucket list, when I opened my notepad, well!! I couldn’t think of anything, maybe it’s because I have many undone tasks from the previous year, that need to be completed before starting new ones or maybe there is a need to think about other social important things rather than personal.
                I don’t mean to say that we all are selfish, but yeah I think we all are at some level self-centered, including me. Every year we make resolutions for our own well-being, for our own careers and many personal things. But, why don’t we make a single resolution for our country? For our depriving nature? Or something for a better society?
                Let’s recall our past year, we will just highlight the major natural and man-made disasters that have happened, because good things are beautiful memories and are treasured for life. However, wrong things need attention and actions to improve their state.

1.       The most highlighted and terrifying issue – The Amazon fires.
2.       Another related issue – Australian bush fires.
3.       A horrifying heat wave all over.
4.       Heavy unexpected floods in India.
5.       Snow storm in most of the American states.
6.       Cyclone Vayu and Cyclone Fani hit India.
7.       Flooding and devastating hurricane Dorian in Bahamas.
8.       Wildfires in California and Chile
9.       Typhoon Hag ibis hits Japan.
10.   Volcano Eruptions in New Zealand.
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Believe me guys, the list is big and among which many even have gone unnoticed. A single year, and numerous disasters, isn’t this ratio frightening?? So, if we think that these are natural disasters and not of our business, I suppose we are wrong. These disasters may seem natural, but we all know that deep down, us HUMANS are the responsible reasons for them. Can you just blame global warming and scroll down? Well, ‘NO’ I strongly believe that ‘WE’, are guilty for the climate change and the warming up of the earth. The inhuman deforestation, the greed for unhealthy development, the raging politics and our ignorance towards major climate changes are leading towards a miserable condition of our planet and future generations to live in.
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Apart from these disasters, we must not overlook the fact that current mindset of most of our society are dragging us way back and hampering our steps towards development. We live in 21st century but we are discussing topics which should not even exist. One of the major issues ruining the unity among people is caste-ism, we common people should understand that the media, politics and some nasty mentality people are doing our brainwash just to fulfill their desires, making us more and more behave like illiterates. Instead of fighting on these issues, which will lead us nowhere, why can’t we join our hands together for fighting against unemployment? To make this world a better and a safe place for girls by fighting against rape? To strive for getting over pollution and population? Or to fight against the malnutrition? There are many such important issues which can be resolved if we decide to change ourselves for our country and for our future generations. The freedom we are enjoying right now, is an outcome of uncountable and striving efforts of some legends whose only priority was to make this country a peaceful place for us to live in. By behaving in such a reckless manner don’t you think that we are insulting their efforts?
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I don’t expect a lot of heavy actions from all of us. It is quite impossible for us to give 100% of our lives, as we have other priorities as well. But, 10% efforts from every individual can lead us to a brighter future. Instead of debating over unwanted issues over social media, let’s use it to spread positivity, joy and happiness. Students can do their bits by focusing on emerging technologies and innovations instead of unwanted issues and politics. We can start cleaning our vicinity areas or we can join some NGO who cleans the rivers and prevents pollution. Grooming our kids to be free from technologies and with ethical mind will definitely make their future secure and also a better and healthy youth for our country. Students and businessman can even try to focus more on renewable energy resources to reduce pollution. The food and clothes that are likely to get wasted can be given to the people suffering from cold and starvation.Save electricity and save water as much as possible.Even just by not littering our environment you can share your part for the well-being. Instead of expecting and blaming others to take actions, think on what you should have done till now? Don’t let negativity influence you in anyway.
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At last, our old crow has taught us that where there is a will there is a way!! So, I believe if you want to do something for your world, your country or your people, you will for sure find a way to do it. If even few people amongst us strive for a better world in some or the other way we will certainly move forwards to our goal at least a little bit J I pledge to make at least one resolution for the benefit of my environment and country. I hope you all do it too!!!

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